The research delves into the complex and fragmented reality of the Syrian conflict, where regional ambitions, global rivalries, and the evolution of non-state actors intertwine to create one of the most intricate geopolitical landscapes of our time. At its heart lies the relationship between...
Nel vasto e intricato arazzo della giurisprudenza islamica, poche dottrine catturano la mente come Taqiyya e Kitman. Questi principi, profondamente radicati nel tessuto della storia, della teologia e dell'etica, sono molto più che costrutti esoterici; sono meccanismi viventi e respiranti di adattamento, resilienza e...
In the vast and intricate tapestry of Islamic jurisprudence, few doctrines captivate the mind like Taqiyya and Kitman. These principles, deeply embedded in the fabric of history, theology, and ethics, are far more than esoteric constructs; they are living, breathing mechanisms of adaptation, resilience,...