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Conflict Zones

Scontro strategico: esplorare il nesso Iran-USA-Israele e le implicazioni di un potenziale attacco alle infrastrutture nucleari iraniane

ESTRATTO Le dichiarazioni del presidente iraniano Masoud Pezeshkian servono da punto focale per comprendere l'intricata interazione tra geopolitica, strategia militare e guerra psicologica che plasma le dinamiche contemporanee del Medio Oriente. Negando le accuse di un complotto iraniano per assassinare il presidente eletto degli Stati...

Strategic Showdown: Exploring the Iran-US-Israel Nexus and the Implications of a Potential Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure

ABSTRACT Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian’s statements serve as a focal point for understanding the intricate interplay of geopolitics, military strategy, and psychological warfare shaping contemporary Middle Eastern dynamics. Denying allegations of an Iranian assassination plot against US President-elect Donald Trump, Pezeshkian labeled these claims as...

NATO’s Financial Resurgence: Analyzing Defense Expenditure and Strategic Paradigm Shifts Post-Ukraine Conflict

ABSTRACT The seismic geopolitical shifts triggered by the large-scale hostilities in Ukraine in 2022 profoundly altered the strategic calculus of NATO, compelling the alliance to confront its internal disparities and redefine its collective objectives. This period of reckoning not only reignited conversations about defense readiness...

הדילמה האסטרטגית של טורקיה: השאלה הכורדית בעידן שלאחר אסד

תַקצִיר שלג ירד על ההרים שחלמתם עליהם - אמירה טורקית המקיפה את הפרדוקס של שאיפות שהושגו מלווה באתגרים בלתי צפויים. עבור הנשיא רג'פ טאיפ ארדואן, הסנטימנט הזה משקף באופן הולם את החתירה שלו לחזון טרנספורמטיבי עבור טורקיה. במשך שני עשורים של מנהיגות, ארדואן פיתח אסטרטגיה...

Il dilemma strategico della Turchia: la questione curda nell’era post-Assad

ESTRATTO La neve è caduta sulle montagne che hai sognato: un detto turco che riassume il paradosso delle aspirazioni realizzate accompagnate da sfide impreviste. Per il presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, questo sentimento rispecchia opportunamente la sua ricerca di una visione trasformativa per la Turchia. In...

Turkey’s Strategic Dilemma: The Kurdish Question in the Post-Assad Era

ABSTRACT Snow has fallen on the mountains you dreamed of—a Turkish saying encapsulating the paradox of achieved aspirations accompanied by unforeseen challenges. For President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, this sentiment aptly mirrors his pursuit of a transformative vision for Turkey. Over two decades of leadership, Erdoğan...